Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sweater Hunt!

Aptly named title because I have none!  Well, ok I have a few but every season it seems I look in my closet and wonder, "what in the world did I wear last year this time?"  So, I get up this morning, play hookie from church and find my way to the mall.  I come home with ONE sweater!!  It wasn't a complete waste, I did find a few pairs of leggings and some very cute accessories.  I come home and get on the internet and see all KINDS of cute they only carry cute sweaters online?  AARRGH!!

The very first sweater is the one I ended up coming home with.  The rest of the items are ones that I will eventually come home with. 
(Arden B & Charlotte Russe)


princessgirl4ever said...

The shape of both the belted grey one and the black one below it are killer. Super cute with leggins;too bad the leggins police would cite you if you wore that ensemble to work!!!!

The Photodiarist said...

Like the one that you came home with . . .


Shopping online is so much easier in some ways, but you never know how things will fit you!

Samantha Simple said...

Come home with one for me too, please.

cupcake♥trash said...

I like the one you bought best! Super cute.